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Listen, this is very important, I forgot my video camera, could you stop by my place and pick it up on your way to the mall? Biff. You know what I do in those situations? I know, and all I could say is I'm sorry. Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling...

15,00  IVA incluido / mes

Nah, I just don’t think I’m cut out for music. I don’t wanna know your name. I don’t wanna know anything anything about you. I can’t play. I know what you’re gonna say, son, and you’re right, you’re right, But Biff just happens to be my supervisor, and I’m afraid I’m not very good at confrontations. No, Doc.

You got a real attitude problem, McFly. You’re a slacker. You remind me of you father when he went her, he was a slacker too. Now remember, according to my theory you interfered with with your parent’s first meeting. They don’t meet, they don’t fall in love, they won’t get married and they wont have kids. That’s why your older brother’s disappeared from that photograph. Your sister will follow and unless you repair the damages, you will be next. Yeah, well uh, lets keep this brain melting stuff to ourselves, okay? Who, who? You extol me with a lot of confidence, Doc.

Listen, this is very important, I forgot my video camera, could you stop by my place and pick it up on your way to the mall? Biff. You know what I do in those situations? I know, and all I could say is I’m sorry. Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me that it’s 8:25?